
Permaculture Design Consultant

Earth care, People care, Fair share. Permaculture means, permanent agri-culture, or permanent culture. In other words, sustainability. Growing food the way nature intended, by working with nature and not against her. Nature is abundant, intelligent, regenerative, and magic. We can learn to tap into this magic by slowing down, observing what is happening around us, and intuiting its potential. Not only is tending to, and nurturing our earth beneficial to our planet, but our bodies, minds and our souls. We are all connected to this web of life. So many wonderous insights and metaphors arise when time is spent tending to nature and growing sustainable foods, community, and sharing the abundant yield.

Denise’s passion extends to her garden and creating sustainable landscape and lifestyle for others. She recently graduated as a Permaculture Design Consultant with Grow Permaculture. If you are interested in learning how you can create a magical, low maintenance sanctuary, and nurture your nature by creating beauty no matter how big or small, contact me I will be happy to offer you a consult. $100 value for $75 through October 31st.

Keep posted for the fall garden tour which will include offerings from my garden Date to be announced…..